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Chicago Med Mal Attorneys / Blog / Firm News / WVFK&N Secures 1.7 million dollar settlement for client in Chicago

WVFK&N Secures 1.7 million dollar settlement for client in Chicago

The WVFK&N team is proud to share that they have successfully secured a $1,700,000 settlement for a client in Chicago, Illinois.

Attorneys John LaMantia, Soobin Lee, and Joseph Konrad prepared the case after the plaintiff alleged that the hospital’s negligent understaffing led to the wrongful death of their two twin children.

In October 2019, the twins, premature but viable, were delivered and admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the delivery hospital. When they arrived, the attending neonatologist ordered the twins to be transferred to another hospital because the admitting did not have sufficient neonatology care to treat the twins appropriately. The complaint alleges that the attending neonatologist failed to provide the surfactant in a timely manner and failed to examine the infants for infection before the transfer. The negligent understaffing in the hospital allegedly prevented the attending neonatologist from treating both twins, as they were the only attending neonatologist on staff and were unable to monitor and treat both twins simultaneously.

Twin A died at the delivery hospital after a five-hour struggle for life. Twin B died at the transferred hospital after four hours. Their parents survive them.

After mediation facilitated by the WVFK&N team, the hospital in question agreed to pay our client the negotiated $1,700,000.

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