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Chicago Med Mal Attorneys / Recently Filed Cases / Wrongful death due to premature discharge from hospital

Wrongful death due to premature discharge from hospital

On 10/22/19, our client (71) was a passenger in a vehicle that was struck in a high-impact intersection collision. Plaintiff was taken to the Emergency Department and subsequently admitted to Vista Medical Center East Hospital in Waukegan. Our client was treated by Defendant, Dr. Laurence Gibson, a general surgeon, who diagnosed Plaintiff with a fractured sternum.

While still an in-patient at Vista Medical Center on 10/23/19, the Plaintiff’s oxygen levels, oxygen saturation level, as well as her vital signs, were all recorded as abnormal. Despite the abnormal vital signs and oxygen desaturation still exhibiting during hospitalization, Dr. Gibson discharged our client on 10/23/19. The Plaintiff died two days later on10/25/19 at home from cardiac arrest.

This case is pending in Lake County, Illinois.

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