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Chicago Med Mal Attorneys / Illinois Nursing Negligence and Birth Injury Attorney

Illinois Nursing Negligence and Birth Injury Attorney

Physicians oversee medical care teams in hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities. This supervision can be direct or indirect. Generally, doctors directly supervise nurses during the PLDR (prenatal, labor, delivery, and recovery) process. At least, they are supposed to directly supervise them. Sometimes, especially during prenatal visits, the supervision is indirect. If that’s the case, and the nurse’s care was negligent, the nurse, or rather the nurse’s insurance company, could be responsible for damages.

Understaffing often causes negligence in these situations. Overworked nurses often take unsafe shortcuts during the care process. These shortcuts might save nurses time. But mothers and babies usually pay the price for these deviations from the standard of care. Furthermore, overworked nurses are often stressed out and fatigued. People often make bad choices under such circumstances. Circumstances might excuse a mistake. But they don’t excuse negligence, which is basically a lack of care.

The compassionate Illinois nursing negligence and birth injury attorneys at Wais, Vogelstein, Forman, Koch & Norman understand the grievous pain and suffering that medical negligence inflicts on families. Many of the members of our professional team have endured such hardships. As a result, we feel passionately about the legal and financial rights of victims, as well as the chance every child should get to reach his/her full potential. This passion fuels our purpose. We always work hard and always proactively communicate with our valued clients.

Why Should We File a Birth Injury Claim?

This question weighs heavily on the hearts and minds of many families who have experienced a birth injury. A legal claim does not reverse what happened in the past. Usually, this hesitation is even stronger if the nurse or other tortfeasor (negligent actor) apologized and offered a reasonable explanation for the mistake.

These concerns are not entirely misplaced. It does no one any good to point fingers. That’s why, from a fundamental standpoint, a birth injury claim does not “blame” anyone for an injury. Blame is a criminal court concept. Compensation for injury, the purpose of a negligence action, is a civil court concept.

Incidentally, the tortfeasor’s insurance company is financially responsible for any damages awarded, as mentioned above. Most likely, the insurance company will hike the tortfeasor’s premiums or even drop coverage. But some adverse action was probably inevitable, lawsuit or no lawsuit.

So, a negligence action forces tortfeasors to accept responsibility for their mistakes. Birth injury survivors have a responsibility as well. The power to file a legal action gives them the power to alter a hospital’s care environment and protect other families.

How Do We Find the Right Chicago Nursing Negligence and Birth Injury Attorney?

As you meet with potential legal representatives, focus on the attorney’s experience, accessibility, and dedication.

Experienced attorneys usually have proven methods which produce life-changing results. Furthermore, they are typically able to quickly develop a vision for a case. Inexperienced attorneys are usually feeling their way through the dark.

Accessibility is almost equally as important. Your attorney, not a less-experienced associate or a non-attorney paralegal, should do most of the work on your case. Your attorney should be physically accessible as well. You should not have to drive across town with a disabled child just to see your attorney.

Finally, birth injury cases are quite complex. So, this area of law should not simply be a sideshow, or an area that a general practice attorney occasionally dabbles in.

Reach out to a Compassionate Chicago Cook County Attorney

Injury victims are usually entitled to significant compensation. For a free consultation with an experienced nursing negligence and birth injury attorney in Chicago, contact Wais, Vogelstein, Forman, Koch & Norman by going online or calling 312-993-5750. We have recovered tens of millions of dollars for families just like yours.

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